Sunday, February 26, 2012

Our Cabin in Hot Springs

On holiday last week :)  Stayed at Five Points Cabins on Lake Hamilton just a short hop from downtown Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Two New Portraits of Judith

Judith by Tipsy Darkness

Judith by Jimmer

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Zap Word on Art Festivals

I just went to Missouri Artists Workshop presented by St. Louis Art Fair. I learned how important it is to the judges for you to present a unified portfolio for a particular judging. All the pieces presented should have a visual unity or unity of inspiration as expressed in the artists statement. You can make several submissions with each showing a different vision that you are working with, but of course you have to pay for each submission. This kind of drives me nuts because I just want to paint what I want to paint. Makes me wonder if I even want to enter festivals. Up to this point I have juried into several shows, but now the jury process seems to be getting more restrictive. Also the booth picture is very important and must be uncluttered. This booth slide can apparently be carefully set up and not necessarily reflect how you are really set up because they do not want to see your print stand or your chair among other things. Quite an eye opener and education for me. The bigger the show the more these things are important.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Iris Garden

Oil paint with palette knife of iris from my yard